Aggie is the school's Youth Health Nurse and is available on Monday. Aggie can be contacted at
The Youth Health Nurse works with young people, school staff and parents to:
promote health and wellbeing
create a supportive, healthy school environment
connect people with other support services.
The Youth Health Nurse can provide health and wellbeing information about:
Health concerns
Relationships and sexuality
Sexual health
Emotional health, stress, depression and anxiety
Personal or family problems
Growth and development
Smoking, vaping, alcohol and other drugs
Healthy eating and exercise
Or anything that affects health and wellbeing.
Young people have a right to confidentiality when accessing health services. As a health service provider, the Youth Health Nurse respects this, but there are some things which the nurse must refer, or act upon, such as information that puts a young person’s safety at risk.
How to access this service
Contact your state secondary school office to enquire how an appointment is made or scan here to make an appointment;

Or visit: School Based Youth Health Nurse - Young Person Self-Referral