
Newly enrolled students


All Students, 2025 Enrolment Information

Dear parents/caregivers of students who have been accepted for enrolment at Kenmore State High, welcome! 

Listed below is the information you will now need to refer to, to ensure your student is well equipped and ready to commence this new exciting chapter of their lives….high school!


1. Uniform Shop: trading dates and visits to local primary schools

Uniform Shop Hours and Primary School Visits (PDF, 164KB)

2. Kenmore SHS Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy (PDF, 766KB)

3. Stationery, equipment and online purchasing

Stationery and Equipment Lists

4. QParents

You will receive an invitation email from us containing your unique invitation code. Simply follow the instructions in that email or letter to complete the QParents account registration process. Initial registration and addition of students to your account must be done on a desktop or laptop computer. Once registered, you will then be able to access QParents using your mobile device (via web browser or by downloading the iPhone or Android App).

If you would prefer another parent to be the QPAO, you can advise us and we will send them an invitation email or letter with their own unique invitation code.

Haven't received a QParent invitation?

If you haven't received an invitation, please send the school a request via email at

5. P&C Membership Form

2024-2025 P&C Membership Application (PDF, 2.83MB)

Should you have any queries, please contact our office on (07) 3327 1555 during school hours between 8am and 4pm.


If you have not enrolled your student for Year 7 in 2025, please refer to the Enrolling at our school page for further instructions and relevant documents.

Last reviewed 02 October 2024
Last updated 02 October 2024