
Our school



Kenmore State High School:

  • has a strong commitment to values
  • is a high achieving academic school
  • has disciplined and focussed student
  • serves and accesses a local community that is very supportive of its school
  • has a strong commitment to the environment
  • provides a number of signature programs for students
  • provides an extensive and high quality extra curricula program
  • utilises technology to enhance learning with a one-to-one laptop program for all year 9, 10, 11 and 12 students
  • has a strong international focus with sister school in three countries
  • is a world class school with Council of International Schools Accreditation.

Location and access

Kenmore State High School is located in the Brisbane Central & West District in a most attractive setting on about 11.2 hectares on Moggill Creek in Kenmore. The school draws its students from the growing Western districts and the broader geographic areas, over 60 suburbs in total. The school is close to the University of Queensland.

The Community has a broad representation of socio-economic groups with a significant percentage of parents engaged in professional and managerial occupations.

The community is very supportive of the School, its values, mission and goals. Parent support groups are very active and the school enjoys a positive and productive partnership with the community it serves.

The School is approached via Aberfeldy Street, Dumbarton Drive or Mabb Street. The Administration Block is at the Aberfeldy Street entrance.


Curriculum at Kenmore State High School is based on some central principles. It is rigorous, student centred, responsive and promotes the value of learning as a life long process.

We offer a core program in the middle school (Years 7, 8 & 9) that is rounded by three semesters of choice or enrolment in one of the signature programs of German Immersion, Music Extension, or Ken-X. In Year 10 students complete seven semesters of core and then select five semesters from around 35 choices. In Years 11 & 12 students select from over 40 Queensland Study Authority subjects or Vocational Certificates. All students study six subjects at one time.

Specialist services

The Teaching and Learning Support teachers provide support to student in our special education unit and students experiencing difficulties learning. Two Guidance Officers provide personal counselling and career advice. Our Chaplain, nurse and youth worker provide important support services to students.


The school's enrolment has increased from 1,120 in 2001, and now to over 2000 in 2025. As a result of reaching the school's capacity the school manages its enrolment using a catchment area and application process. Students are encouraged to enrol well in advance for the start of the school year in January, or for a semester two start in July.


The staff comprise an Executive Principal, and Associate Principal, five​ Deputy Principals, a Business Services Manager, eight Heads of Department, and about 200 teaching and support staff members. The staff is highly professional and willing to contribute to the maintenance of a highly innovative, energetic and supportive climate.

Parent involvement

The Parents and Citizens Association meets monthly and is main meeting of school parents.

The P&C is supported by the Environmental Support Group, German Immersion and Extension Parent Group and Music Parent Support Group. Four parents are elected to the School Council which provides advice to the Principal and influences the strategic direction of the school.

Kenmore is a school that encourages parents to be involved in the life of the school.

Last reviewed 29 January 2025
Last updated 29 January 2025