For more information about ASDAN, please contact Deputy Principal of Inclusion Ms Karla Pope.
QCIA (Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement)
Can anyone do a QCIA pathway?
No, only students with an approved verified disability who also meet the alternate academic pathway criteria are eligible to complete a QCIA in year 11 and 12.
I/my student has a verified disability. Am I/are they automatically eligible for a QCIA?
Students with disability are not automatically eligible for the QCIA. Many students can complete learning and assessment that aligns with syllabus and/or VET certificate requirements and work towards a QCE.
Can someone get their QCE as well as a QCIA?
No, students on a QCIA pathway are ineligible to receive a QCE while at high school. Students may bank a small number of QCE credit points towards a QCE certificate, but can only complete their QCE post school if they complete a QCIA during year 11 and year 12.
Can I/my student complete any General or VET courses as part of my/their QCIA?
For a student to remain eligible to receive a QCIA, they may record up to a
maximum of three completed QCE contributing studies from the Core learning category in the learning account, regardless of level of achievement. A typical enrolment may include a Short Course, an applied subject or a Certificate I or Certificate II course. However the learning completed as part of a QCE contributing subject must not be replicated in their QCIA and will not contribute to their QCIA Statement of Achievement or Statement of Participation.
I think I/my student should be on a QCIA pathway, what do I do?
Contact the Kenmore State High School TALS department to organise a meeting to discuss the QCIA pathway and check if your student is eligible.